College Soccer Officials' Rating Form

Please rate any of the following officials you have observed.

To help insure that you are rating the correct official, be sure to use the following reference:

 REFEREE - the official in the middle of the field

AR 1 - the official on the same side as the teams and coaches

         AR 2 - the official on the opposite side from the teams and coaches

1 is low and 5 is high
Please use the following scale to rate officials:
Rating Scale: Excellent -5 Good -4 Acceptable -3 Poor -2 Unacceptable -1

If you rate any official as (1) on any item, be sure to provide an explanation in the comment area!




  *Your Name:




  *Home Team: 
Visiting Team:

Game Type:

  *Home Score:
Visitor Score:

Rating Scale for use with Observation Items

Rating Scale:   Excellent -5    Good -4    Acceptable -3    Poor -2    Unacceptable -1




1. Decisiveness/Judgment Consistency
(Makes accurate judgments & consistency in making calls)
2. Rules Application & knowledge
(Knows the rules and applies appropriately)
3. Game Administration
(Use of whistle and signals is clear consistent at appropriate)
4. Game Management & Communication
(Professional communication, responds appropriately and professionally to questions and comments)
5. Field Coverage and Fitness
(Demonstrates ability to keep up with play/physical ability to be in proper position to make calls)

Use the following only to rate Assistant Referees

6. AR 1 Fitness (able to be in position to call off side /assisted center official with calls)
7. AR 2 Fitness (able to be in position to call off side /assisted center official with calls)

General Comments:


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